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Zsp has been banned.

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Well-known member
Awesome Player
Sep 27, 2010
Why was landmine off of the forums??, while zsp was here?


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Sep 26, 2010
They had many disagreements about how to play, strategy, luck etc. But zsp felt the need to constantly irritate landmine, also every post of zsp had a footnote with a quote of landmine. So Landmine stopped posting on the forum.


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Sep 27, 2010
Yes Daan tankx and not only that one got more things.

1 thing is i got a chat with zsp here on 12-12-2010
I keep the chat because i knew one day i need it
Got more but i dont want to keep this thread going on.
I have make the game number XXX beceause its not usefull and red you know why :flute:

AND HERE THE CHAT (very funny because talk is going about cheaters )

(02:33:08) zsp: 1v1 real time game, anyone?
(02:36:27) landmine: me
(02:36:55) zsp: landmine, i choose not to play against whiny kids..
(02:37:05) landmine: ?
(02:37:06) zsp: i read all the crap you wrote in that one game that you "raported"
(02:37:11) zsp: it was sad...
(02:37:15) landmine: in wich game have i cry ?
(02:37:19) zsp: http://www.majorcommand.com/Games/Game.php?gameid=XXXX
(02:37:21) landmine: give me number
(02:37:52) zsp: you handled yourself in a very poor manner, champ
(02:37:53) landmine: haha
(02:38:06) landmine: you tell me this?
(02:38:09) zsp: no..NOT "haha"...you look ridiculous
(02:38:16) zsp: yeah i tell you this
(02:38:17) landmine: here a lot cheaters
(02:38:25) landmine: point lovers
(02:38:36) landmine: i come for funn and you?
(02:38:41) zsp: i come for fun
(02:38:49) landmine: so whats the problem?
(02:38:55) zsp: you cant say in full honesty that i am either a cheater or a point lover
(02:39:13) zsp: the problem is that you acted like a whiny brat in that game is all.
(02:39:16) landmine: do you want me to say that?
(02:39:41) landmine: if you got a game like that you will act same
(02:39:54) zsp: i could care less if you say it, it will be untrue
(02:40:01) zsp: and i've had a few games like that already
(02:40:08) zsp: let me find one real quick
(02:40:10) landmine: so?
(02:40:15) zsp: ..so grow up.
(02:40:16) zsp: lol
(02:40:27) landmine: why are you holding them?
(02:40:45) landmine: dont you want here a good place to be?
(02:41:09) landmine: or are you going tell to all who wants a fair game a cryer?
(02:41:48) landmine: and how is it you can read mine forum?(what i private report in forum)
(02:41:50) zsp: ..i'm trying to translate what you're saying into understandable english, bear with me
(02:42:19) zsp: i'm not defending them, that's gay and something should be done about that
(02:42:27) zsp: but you looked ridiculous is all
(02:42:43) landmine: hahah
(02:42:57) landmine: zsp come on you are helping them to act like that
(02:43:12) landmine: you got to support me insteat you do it for them
(02:43:15) zsp: for future reference, it's spelled "report," not "rapport"
(02:43:21) zsp: and i'm not defending anyone
(02:43:27) landmine: oke i learn
(02:43:28) zsp: everyone in that game acted stupidly
(02:43:39) landmine: so why are you calling me a cryer?
(02:43:45) chickendome: oh, you guys lets just hug and have a viscous three way....
(02:43:52) chickendome: 5min?
(02:43:56) chickendome: hahaha
(02:44:05) landmine: and if all in that game are acting stupit what is youre problem with it?
(02:44:15) chickendome: eh,
(02:44:21) zsp: the problem i have with it is just that. you guys acted stupid.
(02:44:35) landmine: can understand youre problem zsp
(02:44:37) chickendome: you guys pick the map....
(02:44:58) zsp: ?
(02:45:05) landmine: oke we act stupid but why are you now coming to tell me ?
(02:45:17) zsp: to not act stupid in the future, it's pretty simple.
(02:45:31) landmine: thats youre thinking
(02:45:34) landmine: but its not mine
(02:45:41) zsp: i've seen you say countless times that you would like this site to grow, yet that's counterintuitive
(02:45:52) landmine: i will not play with someone who cheat
(02:45:56) zsp: hahaha seriously? you think you handled yourself well in that game?
(02:45:57) zsp: http://www.majorcommand.com/Games/Game.php?gameid=XXXX
(02:45:58) chickendome: ok, well if anyone else is interested in a game.....
(02:46:12) landmine: and i will not friendly against a cheater
(02:46:16) zsp: i get the impression that you're 12 or 13 in that game. how close am i?
(02:46:41) landmine: are you a teacher?
(02:47:01) zsp: that does not answer my question
(02:47:03) zsp: but no, i am not
(02:47:06) landmine: youre thinking way is wrong
(02:47:13) chickendome: hehe
(02:47:22) zsp: lol if you say so, champ
(02:47:24) landmine: WE DONE ALOW HERE CHEATERS
we dont want here cheaters
(02:47:29) zsp: "youre thinking way is wrong"
(02:47:32) chickendome: hehe
(02:48:03) zsp: landmine, i dont know how else to say this. they. were. wrong. too. i already said that multiple times. cheaters are lame, yes. you were lamer.
(02:48:14) landmine: if you say i was stupid acting to a cheater SO BE IT
(02:48:39) zsp: ok, yes. you were "stupid acting to a cheater"
(02:48:42) landmine: now you happy
(02:48:45) chickendome: hehe
(02:49:02) zsp: if you decide not to act like a complete idiot in the future, then sure.
(02:49:13) zsp: chickendome, check my signature haha
(02:49:23) landmine: are you now happy or is there somthing ells you want to go for it?
(02:49:42) chickendome: i don't know if i know how to do that
(02:49:44) zsp: i have no idea what you're trying to say right now
(02:50:02) zsp: go to the forums, and find any of my posts. it's at the bottom of any post i made
(02:50:09) landmine: if therei is somthing ells what you want to say to me
(02:50:11) chickendome: right right
(02:50:23) landmine: tell me and after that we can act normal
(02:50:25) landmine: oke?
(02:50:36) zsp: nope, landmine. just act a little more mature in the future. that's all i wanted to say.
(02:50:40) landmine: dont want a talk about cheaters
(02:50:55) RedBridgeBeach: who cheated?
(02:51:06) landmine: zsp if you act normal dont worry about others
(02:51:20) zsp: rbb
(02:51:21) zsp: http://www.majorcommand.com/Games/Game.php?gameid=XXX
(02:51:42) zsp: i will worry about others when others make my experience less enjoyable when i see things like that
(02:52:14) landmine: i`ll sent you mail if there games comming like that
(02:52:19) landmine: you will enjoy it
(02:52:41) zsp: my god landmine...
(02:52:41) landmine: but i`ll fight against cheaters
(02:52:46) zsp: hahah
(02:52:50) landmine: dont worry about that
(02:52:51) chickendome: did that just take me back to.....HAha
(02:53:05) landmine: you have funn
(02:53:07) zsp: take a stand, landmine! fight the good fight!
(02:53:15) zsp: hahah yessir, chickendome
(02:53:29) landmine: here is veta he know what i`m talking about
(02:53:39) zsp: landmine...shhh
(02:53:54) landmine: zsp what means shhh?
(02:54:08) zsp: it means stop talking.
(02:54:16) chickendome: I was already there and thought I must have clicked wrong...Hahahahaha
(02:54:24) landmine: okay you say stop i`ll stop
(02:54:31) chickendome: hahaha
(02:54:31) landmine: somthing ells champ?
(02:54:49) zsp: stopping actually means, ceasing what you were doing.
(02:55:09) landmine: zsp you started like a child against me
(02:55:15) landmine: and now you say stop
(02:55:32) landmine: if you dont understand whats funn so dont start like that
(02:55:46) landmine: funn is have a good game with others
(02:55:51) landmine: not with cheaters
(02:55:53) landmine: oke
Last edited:


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Nov 29, 2010
He really takes this game seriously... and isn't there an age limit here? He acts pretty... young.

Like I said before anyway, it's a shame. It's just a game, no need for arguments or cheating here.


Studio Production Manager
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
Oct 2, 2009
what happened with zsp was unfortunate. While his wins may not have all been legit, he was still a good player with a lot to potentially offer around here. But there will always be users who chase after points and medals and forget that we're here to have fun. If a user is ruining the experience for others, he or she needs to go. Like kjell just said,

It's just a game.


Boss General (Retired on a Desert Island)
Awesome Player
Gentlemen of Leisure
M.C. Play Testers
The Embassy
The Wiki Bar
Jul 25, 2009
This thread has run its course.

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