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[MAP] Viking Expansion


Make My Day...
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
The Wiki Bar
M.C. Youtubers
Jun 20, 2014
Names for the ships are 802, 835 and 865 based on the year that Vikings traveled (according to some maps)

Lol. Sorry. I thought they were still Layer names or Region Ids!

802, 835, 865 is much better. :biggrin:

Yes its 51 regions + 3 ships = 54. Ships can start neutral if you like to have 51 regions.
Your suggestion is so perfect, it will work great in this map : You need to hold the corresponding town with the boat, or the boat will auto-decay -1.

Starting with 51 or 54 doesn't matter. As long as they are equal to or larger than 24, 36, 48, 60....

It just would be bad to have 47 regions, or 23 regions. That would be silly. Anything more is good.

nice may it be a test stage in Beta? to see impressions and or things to modificate?

Yes there will be beta play testing, but that is still a long way off. Currently we only have a picture. A picture of a map. There is still a lot more to do.

  • create regions images (3 different colours for each)
  • create region images coordinates
  • input region images coordinates
  • create region name images
  • create region name images coordinates
  • input region name images coordinates
  • create troop containers
  • create troop containers coordinates
  • input troop containers coordinates
  • define connections between every region
  • define rules for each connections
  • define attacking rules between regions
  • create different bonus rules
  • define bonus amounts for each rule
  • define regions in each bonus group
  • and so on....

And that is just the minimum needed to do a basic beta play test.

After that, there is still the brief image that need to be created, and all the medals.

So even though the map looks great, it is still only 1 picture. It is step 1 of a 30 step process! :fisheye: