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A Game of Historical Fiction: 194964


Boss General (Retired on a Desert Island)
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The Embassy
The Wiki Bar
Jul 25, 2009
Letter sent home

Dear Issa,

Can you believe it, we pushed through Somalia all the way across the Red Sea. The Sultan is a great man! A great warrior! A great Conqueror. He speaks now of a unified Africa and a conquest and freeing of our Muslim brothers in the Middle East.

Issa, I am safe. The peoples of East Africa have surrendered to the the Sultan with open arms and we hear the Iranians are laying down their arms at well. I know there is danger ahead. I am not naive. The Trailblazers have not come to the Sultan, have not unitied. Perhaps they do not know of his power that grows each week. Perhaps I will get a taste of blood then. But enough of that. Issa, I wish you were here. Tonight we roast milkrish on the Yemeni banks. I will write you again when we reach Tehran.

Your brother,



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Awesome Player
Aug 20, 2011
 Unexpected events
Internal unrest after a series of defeats have led to an unexpected change in leadership, the spark coming from a single letter from a Sgt. Tommie Gun giving voice to the peoples dissatisfaction. How a uncensored letter with instructions for alterations from military HQ made it to the press is unknown but Sgt. Gun was charged with treason by spreading defeatism and given the option of facing a fireing squad or single handly charging enemy positions in Sakha. Unexpectadly Sgt. Gun not only managed to take enemy positions, his bravery and fate rallied the troops who agaist commanders direct orders followed on to secure the region. Tommie Gun is now in overall command of the armed forces. His first action as commader was to disolve all censorship and promise to uphold the constitution and Rawlsian ideals upon which the empire was founded.
Only through democracy can democracy prevail and free elections are to be held before next turn.


omigod, totally bitchen, furshur, furshur
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M.C. Play Testers
Jun 9, 2010
Letter written for Drongo to his mother in the Outback

Hello Mother, this is your son, Drongo.
I miss you, but i don't miss being picked on by my brothers,
Everyone here treats me nice, and nobody calls my stoupid.
I like it that i am not being called stoupid all the time just because i am dim.
They are patient with me here, and they take the time to help me understand what they want me to do.
I learned that I am important to the war effort.
The people here are really smart.
Today we tested a new weapon that makes fire devils.
They said we need it to stop the bad people in other places.
And I got to see it up close, closer than anybody else.
It made me feel special.
Afterwards, they gave me water and hooked me up to machines, and the nice doctors asked me funny questions.
They were all nice to me even though i was slow answering their questions.

Here is a picture that I took during the test, but dont tell anybody because they dont know i have the camera you gave me.


They said this new weapon was only set to level one.
Tomorrow we are going to try it at level 50.
Maybe all the funny tingling I am feeling from these tests will make me smarter.
Okay, i have to go now. They want to hook me up to another machine.

Love, Drongo


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Jan 2, 2011
communique from the front

comrade General,
We have succeeded in liberating the remainder of Eastern Europe, with some losses. Our forces have shored up the borders but we hear tales of merciless invaders in the horn of Africa threatening our brethren in Persia. The white-coated barbarians still hold Finland in chains, and some of our troops clamor to liberate it. But others are saying that we should march on Siberia and liberate the remainder of mother Russia from the usurpers who squat there. What are your orders, Comrade?


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Sep 20, 2012
Make Mine A Martini

France's under-the-cover weapon, The Pink Panther, was dispatched to sort out the diplomatic treaties. Unfortunately he got his secret communiques all mixed up. It didn't help that he was colour blind. After staring at the world map for a long time, the colours all began to blur. He called up Charlie Chaplin, to ask for advice from someone who has played a world dictator. He recommended changing his walk. Monsieur Le Panther wasn't sure if this was special code for something, but decided to change his walk just in case.

So he took a walk on the wild side and ended up with Libya, Chad, Nigeria and wassup Niger all coloured in a blancmange shade of grey on his map, with some numbers next to them as follows: 8,3,1,1. If only he could break this code. Was it somehow linked to Nelson Mandela's prison number? Mr. Mandela ... ah yes, he was 95 when he died! So ... 9 to 5, this must surely mean an average working day. Aha, the office coffee machine, heh? You didn't think you could foil the fantastical Panther, non?

But does this code mean we are to launch an attack on Java, Tanzania or Columbia? And does anyone here have some spare Euros, so I can do something more than smell the coffee? Or if not in the Euros, then something in the Africa Cup? Cameroon for example.
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Dec 22, 2010
This letter was extracted from the postal history, it was sent from an american army soldier who was serving with the unifying of the union pacific. Although there isn't anything new in the letter it may help to comprehend the soldiers point of view about the xxxx events.


I hope everything is ok in the house guys, it has been hard to be away from home all this months but god, it really has worth it, you know, making the world a better place and all that stuff, i insist that Tommy should enlist, he may turn in something more than the sissy he is now, but well, at the end its up to you, but really you should hear my advice, if we don't do something now you will be visiting his boyfriend parents in a few years.

Anyway, you may know some of this by now, but this whole war stuff that has been happening is like wow, some creepy fool's madness, like those french guys who joined the war because of the "blue incident", i mean, who starts a war due to some color stuff? Those folks are crazy stuff. Or there are this "white army" that apparently are trying to unify some tribes to have more power, i mean, whats up wth that? are they trying to change the world into some wassa wassa stuff? Also i heard that communists are trying to reunify sovietland, the world is crazy guys.

Luckily freedom will prevail, and i will be part of that, hope everything will be okay and i will write son, seriously, enlist that brat like, right now.



omigod, totally bitchen, furshur, furshur
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M.C. Play Testers
Jun 9, 2010
Parliament discusses ending the war
The 44th Commonwealth Parliament of Australia, under pressure from it's citizens, has been debating the merits of this war.

So far, the Senate negotiations have not produced any consensus... but at least they are talking...
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Sep 20, 2012
what was our exit strategy again?

The brutal, bloody nature of war takes hold once more in the mindset of the western audience, as French Legionnaires begin to arrive home in body bags. The jihadis of eastern Africa have sworn to fight to the death to eliminate an imperial aggressor.

The battle for hearts and minds is once more entered unto. Is there a way to make peace with the Islamists and yet not compromise on our vision for human rights and democracy?

Nope, not enough time for that in an escalate game. Instead, it's a race to trade in the next set of cards and get the American Congress to release the much needed high-grade weapons to the French by early Spring, before the jihadists have managed to trade their cards in with the Pakistanis or the Saudis.
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Boss General (Retired on a Desert Island)
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Jul 25, 2009
letter home


Curse the Sultans treasonous ways. He has struck a deal with the white Trailblazer devils to bisect our promised land. I did not come to fight for land or glory. I did not come to fight for riches, but for the unification of peoples of Africa. The Sultan is satisfied with his spoils that come at the cost of our brothers, but I am not. I am not fighting his war anymore. Neither is Father. We will both be home soon, please tell Umamma but leave out the Sultan part. Father says we need to win the 'end game' though he hasn't told me what that is yet. I suspect our combat days are largely over. I will support this strategic peace until a time when I can slip the dagger into the back of my enemy.

Your brother Duma.


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Aug 20, 2011
 Operation Siberia
We finally seized Sibiria after weeks of fighting, our borders are not as secure as I would have wanted but the terrain is very hostile and favors the defender as we ourselves have bitterly experianced. I do hope we can hold firm and that our luck on the battlefield shall change for the better, if anyone deserves this its the veterans of Siberia. / T.G.


omigod, totally bitchen, furshur, furshur
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M.C. Play Testers
Jun 9, 2010

Military Despot of the Philippines Killed
The Queensland Times - 2PM GMT

General Bado was killed early this morning in a sudden coup that has resulted in peace for the region. Bado, long suspected of having ties with African extremists, was despised for his high life style at the expense of the poor.


Tens of Thousands of citizens cheered and flooded the streets upon hearing the news of Bado's death. Thousands more stormed his private luxurious palace where his life of excess was now visible for all to see. Even an item as simple as sunglasses had a room dedicated to it (photo courtesy of Sunny G)

Peace and happiness has finally come to the entire region, as neighboring countries have committed to helping this budding democracy. The prospect of war is now virtually non-existant, and the people are jubilant.


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The Embassy
Jan 2, 2011
Dispatch from the front
Comrade General,
The troops rejoiced as your order, which came with the reinforcements you sent, to finally liberate Finland and the rest of Scandanavia from the white barbarians came to us. Being emboldened and joyful, we ripped through their defenses like butter, and were so encouraged by this success that we removed the haughty blue-clad primadonnas from Iceland before turning our attention south and marching to France. We are heartened by our successes, Comrade, please, may we now turn our attention to liberating Siberia from those black clad vermin while they are still recuperating from their fight to drive out the other usurpers?
As always, we await your orders and hopefully fresh troops.


omigod, totally bitchen, furshur, furshur
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
Jun 9, 2010
Just released WIKILEAKS document exposing Australian Diplomatic secrets

S E C R E T - MADAGASCAR - 140110

DECL: 01/10/2014


Classified By: DCM Gregory L. Berry. Reasons 1.5 (b,d).


¶2. (S/NF) At approximately 0820 local time, an invasion force appearing to have originated in or near CAMEROON swept inland across to the east coast and across to Madagascar. Caught completley by surprise, our Marine contingent fought to defend the embassy, but were quickly overwhelmed by the surprise attack. GID Director Larry Foley was killed in the attack.

¶3. (S/NF) Kheir said that while the GID had taken strong measures to prevent such an incident, the situation is difficult and "things will not be as quiet as they seem." He said there was a strong possibility that other outrages could occur. He said the GID is running all its traplines on suspect organizations and individuals expressed confidence that the GID would be able to identify and apprehend the assailant, whatever his affiliations.

¶4. (S/NF) Shortly after the Ambassador's conversation with Kheir, intelligence experts informed the Ambassador that they had determined Trailblazer was the mastermind behind the attack. Intel suggests that elements in the trailblazer regiem had become impatient with our promised arms assistance for the region and responded by destroying all the stockpiles in our control that were in reserve to be used for them.

¶5. (S/NF) Intel analysis also indicates that if this sudden attack actually was a result of our decision to delay the use of those tactical resources into the region, we should be prepared for elements of the trailblazer regim that might still demand the promised commitment of resources regardless of them having destroyed them all. Complicating matters, due to this attack we now find ourselves with no military base operations of any kind on the entire continent, and therefore, we now have no means to assist their interests even if it was determined to be politically expedient.

¶6. (S/NF) Global Director Kheir conveyed his condolences and said that the GOJ (GID and PSD) were immediately implementing a new heightened security plan to protect AU interests around the world. Kheir said that he had already spoken with PSD Commander Tahsin Shurdom and the plan would include putting both additional uniformed PSD and plainclothed GID personnel at all sites frequented by Australians (including the school and all Embassy residences). Kheir noted, however, that while the GOJ will do all it can to protect remote locations, Embassy staff will have to take steps to protect themselves as well (such as varying routes and times, rolling double 6's, etc.).

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Well-known member
Awesome Player
Aug 20, 2011
 Operation August Storm II
The operation was carried out as a classic double pincer movement over an area the size of the entire Western European theatre of World War II. In the western pincer, our army advanced over the deserts and mountains from Mongolia, far from their resupply railways. This must have caught enemy defenders by surprise as we found them in unfortified positions. In short: A decisive victory from which future operations for the liberation of Japan and China can be launched. / T.G.


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Sep 20, 2012
The Red Herring

The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat.
They took some armies and plenty of ammo', backed up by some fighter jets.

The Owl he had been to finishing school, to learn him some French and Chinese.
While Pussycat strolled on the beaches of Fiji, then occupied a Philippino chateau.

The pea green boat belonged to Badorties, some Somali pirates confessed.
Kings of the track that hail from East Africa and are always in the running.

Those Down Under Pussycats win most times, in games with the bat or the ball,
They cut and they thrust astride the world stage, no opening gambit too tough.

The Owl, though mobile, had not learnt Aussie rules.
He ends up hearing only Chinese whispers, albeit with French panache.

It was a particularly sticky wicket.
The East Africans appeared to be in it for the long run.

Whereas with the Aussies, it could all be over (bar the shouting) in eighty minutes.
Or would this be a test match that goes all the way to a second innings?
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Well-known member
Awesome Player
Aug 20, 2011
 Gwangbokjeol & Jogukhaebangui nal together at last

Eyewitness accounts all across Korea:

"It is fantastic!!! How we have waited for this day. A day we had lost hope in ever seeing. Koreans both North and South liberated and united at last. I cannot describe it. The entire nation is out in the streets celebrating, koreans weeping with joy for the liberation that has finally come. Look, just look, its fantastic, we love you Tommie!"

"Long live a free and united Korean fatherland!"

"I never thought I would live to see another day like this."

"This is a beautiful day after a long voyage, but we are only at a way station. We are not at the end of our way."


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omigod, totally bitchen, furshur, furshur
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M.C. Play Testers
Jun 9, 2010
Aztec empire destroyed

Hernan Cortés was born in 1485. He came from a fairly famous family and his father was a captain in the Spanish army.

Cortés heard of Christopher Columbus' discoveries in the new world. He wanted to travel and see new lands. He also wanted to make his fortune and fame.

Cortés sailed for the New World in 1504. He first arrived on the island of Hispaniola at the city of Santo Domingo.

In 1511, Cortés joined Diego Velazquez on an expedition to Cuba. When Velazquez conquered Cuba, he became governor. Velazquez liked Cortés and helped Cortés to rise in the government. Soon Cortés became a powerful and wealthy figure on the island of Cuba.

In 1518, Cortés was put in charge of an expedition to the mainland of Mexico. This was something that he had wanted to do for many years.

Cortés and his men landed at the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico in April of 1519. He had 11 ships, around 500 men, some horses, and some cannon. He soon met a native woman named Dona Marina. Dona Marina spoke the Nahuatl language of the Aztecs and could help to interpret for Cortés.

Cortés heard of the gold and treasures of the Aztecs. He wanted to conquer them and take their treasure. He requested a meeting with the Aztec Emperor, Montezuma II, but was repeatedly turned down. He then decided to march to the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan.

Gathering his small force of 500 men, Cortés began to march to Tenochtitlan, the heart of the Aztec Empire. Along the way he met with other cities and peoples. He found out that a number of other tribes didn't like their Aztec rulers. He made alliances with them, including the powerful Tlaxcala people.

Cortés next arrived at the city of Cholula. It was the second largest city of Mexico and a religious center of the Aztec Empire. When Cortés found out that the people at Cholula planned to kill him in his sleep, he killed around 3,000 nobles, priests, and warriors. He also burned down a portion of the city.

When Cortés arrived at Tenochtitlan on November 8, 1519 he was welcomed by the Aztec Emperor Montezuma II. Although Montezuma did not trust Cortés, he thought that Cortés might be the god Quetzalcoatl in human form. Montezuma gave Cortés and his men gifts of gold. He thought that these gifts would keep Cortés from taking over the city, but they just made Cortés want more.

Cortés took Montezuma captive within his own city. However, Governor Velasquez from Cuba sent another expedition under conquistador Panfilo de Narvaez to take command from Cortés. Cortés left Tenochtitlan to fight Narvaez.

After taking care of Narvaez, Cortés returned to Tenochtitlan. He found out that his men had killed King Montezuma. He decided to flee the city. On the night of June 30, 1520 Cortés and his men escaped from the city. Many of them died. The night is called La Noche Triste, or "The Sad Night".

Cortés soon returned to Tenochtitlan with a large army of his allies, the Tlaxcala. He laid siege to the city and eventually conquered the city and with it the Aztec Empire.

After conquering the Aztecs, Cortés renamed the city of Tenochtitlan to Mexico City. The city became the Spanish capital of the territory which was called New Spain. Cortés was named governor of the land by King Charles I of Spain.

Later in life Cortés fell out of favor with the King of Spain. He was forced to return to Spain to defend himself. In 1541, he participated in an unsuccessful expedition to Algiers where he nearly drowned when his ship was sunk. He died on December 2, 1547 in Spain.


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The Embassy
Jan 2, 2011
Communique from the Front
Greetings Comrade General,
We thank you for the reinforcements, our borders seem a little more secure now. The troops you sent to attack the haughty blue Amazons in America fared poorly in their attempt to remove them and protect from them taking our ancient land of Alaska. We rest, and gather our strength. We await with anticipation your orders, Comrade.


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Sep 20, 2012
A Long Way From Home

A dispatch has been intercepted on the borders of Cameroon.

there are this "white army" that apparently are trying to unify some tribes to have more power, i mean, whats up wth that? are they trying to change the world into some wassa wassa stuff?

The meaning of "wassa wassa stuff" is currently under review. According to the online urban dictionary Wasa Wasa has three meanings:

1. Someone who WAS from the neighborhood and forgot where he/she came from.
"He is a Wasa Wasa. Grew up in the hood, but now lives in the upper scale neighborhood, and acts like he doesn't know anybody from his past, and forgot his roots."

2. Another name for white people
"He hangs around wasa-wasas too much, thats why he cant dance."

3. Another way of saying "what's up" or "oh hey"
Andos: ey wasa wasa
Dainton: oh hey

The French think it might be something to do with the second meaning about needing to learn a new dance. Someone proposed trying out the New Zealand rugby team's haka. However, France's allies in the region advised against treading further on Antipodean toes, since the sinking of Greenpeace's "Rainbow Warrior" is still a sore point with the Kiwis.

French: Ey wasa wasa?
Kiwis: Oh hey!
French: Voulez-vous haka avec moi ce soir?
Kiwis: What the haka! You'd better not try any of your wasa-wasa with me! Don't you think that's got your President into enough trouble already?
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