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The Old League

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There are a couple potential solutions here. I do think that it's still early enough in the competition that leniency isn't out of the question, but certainly games sitting around unfilled for a week is bad for the flow of the whole process. I think that, if a game remains unfilled for say, 2-3 days, a follow up reminder PM wouldn't be a bad idea, and if the game continues to sit around for 2-3 more days, then action is called for. You could either just remake the game for the number of players that actually showed up (kind of a pain in the ass, certainly), or you could have a list of people who are already in the tourney but would be willing to fill a slot in another group. Should that fill-in win, they don't get the game point (because of course it would be unfair to give someone two shots at a point in a given round), but at least the game was filled in a fairly timely manner. I personally would be happy to help fill another slot should it be needed.
Group B has been waiting on Jetskiwaterfall for several days now. She's been online, but has her max 4 games full. All of those four are between rounds 2 and 4.
Just writing this down so I can keep track a bit easier. So we're waiting on:

A: Lugnut, fatcat1010

B: Jetskiwaterfall

C: Copusmentus, Psupat11 (wants to drop out)

D: ViktorSangre, CKO (6 days absent)

E: generalkelley

G: PTRrisk

H: Gunspade

I: Grays20 (bugged), Rakatac (6 days) Scudmissilet (7 days)

J: Mikediesel, Usurpus (was in, but has dropped out for some reason)

K: Ariora (5 days), Spartan

L: Digitush

M: Badorties, Sekretar

My bad putting Grays20 in, he told me last round that he couldn't join the game because his password wouldn't work (on multiple games). I just forgot to take his name out of the rotaion. Also Ariora, CKO, Rakatac & scudmissilet have not been on the site since the invites were sent. Everyone else has though, and they all have sufficient room in their games to play (even jetskiwaterfall).

I'm now going to send a reminder to everyone else bar the 5 mentioned above. I'll give them till Friday.
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Also, good man stepping up Chilly.. I'm pretty certain we'll need you somewhere, give me a few days to see what happens with our latecomers and I'll get back to you.

Inca, I considered your proposal of lettting other players fill in the gaps, but the reason I thought a neutral account would be better was that it just felt a little bit unfair... What I mean by that is if someone feels they have nothing to lose in a game, they may alter their tactics accordingly.

Example I thought of: A fill-in player would not be so driven to win as if it was their own round and could, for example, focus on attacking people they thought were stronger, such as previous winners. At this stage it might not seem so important but at later stages where someone only needs that one last win it could cause aggro. At least if someone suicides on a potential competition winner in their own group, it comes with a cost (forefeiting their chance at the point), but a fill-in would not have such a cost associated with suiciding / constantly attacking the one person.

I dunno, theres a lot to think about and maybe I'm just over thinking this one. I just don't really see the problem with making a neutral account personally, it's not like it would be used for cheating.
Yeah Chilly would be perfect to slot in - Groups C and F need players..... just sayin.....
No problem. Just send me a PM in case I'm not watching the thread as much as I should.

Also, don't listen to Cards. In general. Ever.
Wow. and you called me cruel. *sniff*
Yeah Chilly would be perfect to slot in - Groups C and F need players..... just sayin.....
No problem. Just send me a PM in case I'm not watching the thread as much as I should. Also, don't listen to Cards. In general. Ever.

You're more than welcome in group C ... I'm a bit out of practice ... only been playing teamgames ... and I know you're a great teamplayer.

BTW: I agree ... letting players fill in slots in other games ... worse than using AWOL-accounts. Best solution might be when everyone has had ample time to join ... look for groups that can be/like to be dissolved ... those players just drop out that game and are randomly put in the other groups (or create a few new groups if there isn't a perfect fit - might need to adjust the amount of players a little for these new groups).

Another solution for next round:

- let players 'sign up' for that round via pm and/or by posting (open sign-up period X days before you estimate the current round will end to keep the meat fresh) e.g. create a sign-up thread for every round ... at the end of the current round use OP for group draw
- when everyone is signed up ... draw up groups
- late-comers fill in gaps


- use 6 player groups
- the biggest batch of players are randomly put in the first X groups, e.g. first 60 put in 10 groups (you could even use sign up-thread for the first batch)
- a few players of the remaining players might have to fill in the gaps of these groups
- what's left of the remaining players: this batch is put in the last X groups of 5,6 or 7 players (dissolving 1 group or all to accomodate all active players)

In the current round this would mean dissolving e.g. group L & M and slotting them in the other groups if 4 more join at the appropriate time (or other/more groups and adjusting the new groups to the amount of players confirming they'll join those)

PS: I love playing with Flagg but don't send him over to group C ... great trashtalk yet his troops like my regions too much.
See, Chill? Group C wants you, lol!

Still 17 players missing.Maybe a bit of a reshuffle is in order.Chilly can only fill for 1 player and whilst he is more than welcome in group C, no honestly :tongue: it still leaves loads of gaps.Maybe reshuffle players in groups J K and L plus Chilly makes 17 and re-asign them. Or whatever groups you want. These players are already committed to playing in the league NOW. Also in future rounds we need a system to deal with people who drop out and this could establish a fair way to reshuffle groups so the league keeps up momentum and is not kept waiting. Does anybody agree that there should be a time limit to join your group game and if so how long?
Luvin' your work masterjskye.
Best solution might be when everyone has had ample time to join ... look for groups that can be/like to be dissolved ... those players just drop out that game and are randomly put in the other groups (or create a few new groups if there isn't a perfect fit - might need to adjust the amount of players a little for these new groups).

I don't know what everyone else thinks, but this seems like the most legit solution to me.

I'd be down for you to dissolve my group, and I'll go to group C. I would much rather play some of the best than a bunch of randos, it would be a lot more fun than playing cadets all the time.
Right, I've decided to dissolve groups J and K. Members of these groups have been re-allocated and will have a message from me in their inbox.

Next round will be stricter on the timeframe so everyone PLEASE keep a close watch on their Inbox and also the League Forum. Those that were sent invites but did not join are out of the competition. If you are one of these people, contact me if you wish to be given another chance, but only if you are serious about it.
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Whew, Finally all groups are up and running. Aaand relax.
Just to let you know, masterjskye, Group L is finished. I was the winner.
GROUP C just ended ... dice gods pulled my pants down again ... I was very very lucky (to have a big ...
... troop count).

Funny thing is that dice are hot when u least need them.
Looks like group A was the slow boat. Excellent, hard fought, competitive game. By which I mean, I won. ;-)

I guess that means we are on to the next round Jskye?
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