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Real time NOW!

I got 2/3/4s up, go to the lobby, let's play!
I'm playing live games tonight- stop by the real time lobby!
Good morning. LFG
A couple night back we did 4 and 5 player Land Rush live games, mainly because I know who's active these days and spammed the vast majority of you. We're back tonight!


Come and join! With only 12 starting regions and 7 players, each will get just 1 region, and 5 will be vacant. That means time to spread out before things get spicy.

We filled a 5 pretty fast on a weekday, so I'm hoping we can do even better with 7 tonight. Feel free to forward this to your amigos.

Escalate, Unlimited, Path, 5 minutes

I'll also throw some duels out while this waits to fill, so check the RT open games room.
We're back! See above message!
I'm not linking, just go to the lobby. Saturday morning mayhem is ON.