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MC acronyms


Well-known member
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
Oct 9, 2012
In chatting with some of our fellow MC'ers, I realize not everyone is familiar with common MC shorthand and acronyms... I've even seen one or two that I didn't understand. I thought it might be fun to get a thread going with any acronyms or MC-language that may be unfamiliar to new players or those new to online gaming in general. I'll kick things off with the basics, feel free to correct me or add as you see fit!

GL/GLA = good luck/good luck all
GG = good game
AFK = away from keyboard (also referring to being away from one's computer for a period of time)
PT = primary target (often used when suggesting fellow players should focus on the dominant player)
FF = friendly fire (in team games it sometimes makes sense to attack a teammate's territory in order to gain a greater advantage)
OTW/OMW = on the way/on my way (sometimes seen when acknowledging a teammate that makes a request for certain movements/placement/coordination)
OP = overpowered (referencing a clearly dominant player with a significantly larger troop count)

What else?