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[Idea] Nuclear Fallout


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Jul 26, 2011
Well, it's been over a week that I've been gone (vacationing in Michigan) and I'm disappointed that not much has been said! So I've thought of an idea to put up for discussion: a near-futuristic world that experiences a massive nuclear explosion. Here's a quick story that I typed up for it:

In 2026, a Russian nuclear physicist developed an experimental design for a nuclear power plant that increased energy output tenfold. In 2027, the early design was stolen by Iranian spies and construction began the following year as they received ample funding from allied nations under the table. In the meantime, the Russians found copious errors in the design, and continued to work toward perfecting it. Word did not reach Iran and soon after construction was finished, all hell broke loose as the facility exploded and spread radiation even to the farthest reaches of Earth...

The year is 2040, over a decade since the catastrophe. Governments have failed to supply protection to their peoples, from both radiation and rebellion. Rise up, command your faction to victory and unite the world under your power - whether they like it or not!

Anywho, the story itself isn't set in stone; I didn't spend much time on it. I was thinking of having levels of radiation, with increasing auto-decays as one nears Iran (or what was Iran). I imagine there would be bonus areas, with increasing values as they near Iran (to balance out the auto-decays). Perhaps Iran could have some special bombardment ability, or there could be outposts that are safe from the radiation (have no decay) and some other such fun goodies. Idk, just thought I'd throw this out there!



Kung Fu Master
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
The Wiki Bar
M.C. Youtubers
Nov 30, 2010
Great Idea sully.

I am thinking if the nuclear plant do explode, I (or more like we) would want to calculate the distance reached by the radiation. Some natural terrains (ie the Himalayas) would lower, or even block the radiation from advancing, as the thickness of the mountain range is what it is (and that may result on China as a sort of shielded region).

I could write and improve the story also if you don't mind.

Here's an atomic bomb explosion size (Nagasaki Bomb), with nuclear bombs ten times bigger the size. A nuclear power plant explosion here, you may want to change the dimensions?

Overall, I will try to see if I can make up a different looking map than the ones we have now on the world.

I am backing this project with all my heart, just shout for me if you need anything, sully.


  • atomic explosion in Nagasaki.PNG
    atomic explosion in Nagasaki.PNG
    158.5 KB · Views: 2,817
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Well-known member
Awesome Player
Jul 26, 2011
Thanks for your support, KungFuDuet! Yes, I think I'd change the dimensions to much, much larger a radius, given the "experimental design" of the plant and what have you. Due to my limited time and graphical resources, I wouldn't be able to supply a draft, but I would certainly help throughout this concept's development, especially gameplay.



Well-known member
Awesome Player
Dec 4, 2010
i like this idea very much, but the question i would ask is how the auto decays would work? would they half or quarter your troops per turn, or knock a few off the top (e.g. going from 12 troops on turn one to 6 on turn two, etc. or going from 12 on turn one to 10 on turn two, etc. the only problem with the first one would be how to deal with the division of odd numbers)


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Jul 26, 2011
Well it's about time! Haha. I've been checking MajCom here and there waiting for the Map Studios! Ah, Christmas never ends... Thanks for the present, Shep! ;)

Anywho, the decays would be numerical (i.e. -1, -2, -3, etc.), not fractional (i.e. half, quarter, etc.). Easier to code that way anyway. Thanks, Jewmo :)
