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Hall of Records: Submission Thread

12D: Three Cards, Same Territory

Never seen this before! Three cards, same territory in 12D!

They weren't bold. But since I lost anyway, shoulda taken them :)
Game: https://www.majorcommand.com/games/519676/

I think the odds of this would be 0.0067%, i.e. a 6 in 10,000 event. My math would be (1/122)^2, instead of cubed, because it doesn't matter where the first card's territory was, but the second two had to match it. But if we wanted the odds that someone had R'erbend triple carded, that's 5 times in a million.

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Maybe a new one: most identical rolls in a row for both Attacker & Defender. Game 523115. I rolled 12(or 13maybe dont' remember the scroll) times 6 6 1 and the defender rolled 12/13times 6 1, except last when he rolled 1.


(actually I am not sure how to properly link images : https://imgur.com/gallery/am5KH2y )
Maybe a new one: most identical rolls in a row for both Attacker & Defender. Game 523115. I rolled 12(or 13maybe dont' remember the scroll) times 6 6 1 and the defender rolled 12/13times 6 1, except last when he rolled 1.


(actually I am not sure how to properly link images : https://imgur.com/gallery/am5KH2y )

Welcome to Fixed Force, where that will be the outcome of every single roll :)

You probably haven't seen it, since FF games are normally a privilege of Commander Class subscriptions, but in tournaments all players who qualify to join a tourney are permitted to play in the games regardless of settings.
OMG I am stupid !!
I didn't even realize I was in fixed force, since as you say it's normally in the top subscription class.
Thanks :)
Maybe a new one: most identical rolls in a row for both Attacker & Defender. Game 523115. I rolled 12(or 13maybe dont' remember the scroll) times 6 6 1 and the defender rolled 12/13times 6 1, except last when he rolled 1.


(actually I am not sure how to properly link images : https://imgur.com/gallery/am5KH2y )

Don't feel dumb. You wouldn't believe how many long time players, me included. That forget the game is FF, and play a few rounds not realising. I've learned to read the brief as the game is loading. It's on the screen anyway. Have plenty of fun and welcome to the MC family. Thank heaven for post 7/11. Now my free slurpee.
Never seen this before! Three cards, same territory in 12D!

They weren't bold. But since I lost anyway, shoulda taken them :)
Game: https://www.majorcommand.com/games/519676/

I think the odds of this would be 0.0067%, i.e. a 6 in 10,000 event. My math would be (1/122)^2, instead of cubed, because it doesn't matter where the first card's territory was, but the second two had to match it. But if we wanted the odds that someone had R'erbend triple carded, that's 5 times in a million.


brian, I had that last week. It was also in 4 cards. When I got the third they were Bold. It was Jutland in Barbarossa. My next turn, I didn't own it anymore. but to see that on 12D is amazing. I believe I've done it once before, but also it took 4 cards. and the map was Middle east
710 days and counting. Longest game ever: https://www.majorcommand.com/games/422993/

Sigh. Another game currently running is even longer. This was pointed out on the previous page of this thread the last time you mentioned the Rome game.


All players in these games need to start attacking lol.
That one's not the longest. It began in 2018. I know of games going on right now that were started in 2017.

Ex. https://www.majorcommand.com/games/405428/

There are probably even older games still running. Hopefully people start fighting or such games will go on indefinitely.
Sigh. Another game currently running is even longer. This was pointed out on the previous page of this thread the last time you mentioned the Rome game.


All players in these games need to start attacking lol.

I want to attack, but the top dog is to far for me to reach. Attacking anyone else doesn't make sense with Shal's lead
I want to attack, but the top dog is to far for me to reach. Attacking anyone else doesn't make sense with Shal's lead


I even offered a plan to go after the big dog but got ignored by my would be co-conspirator. :)
Mmmm. I have an idea. What if all games automatically turned to escalate at some point? Like, after turn 50 or something like that? That would solve the problem.
Mmmm. I have an idea. What if all games automatically turned to escalate at some point? Like, after turn 50 or something like that? That would solve the problem.

I think this is a great idea.

I even offered a plan to go after the big dog but got ignored by my would be co-conspirator. :)

It's Rome. There should be a catapult system for me to get troops to the front lines in ..The battle to even Shal out.
On Escalite I would vote for that, maybe even on flat

I was thinking of both, and now that I think about it also for 'no reinforcement' games.
I won't bring up cards, I won't bring up Cards, I won't bring up Cards..... :ridinghorse:
A new category if we wanted to reward AWOL-ism!

Most consecutive wins by an AWOL: Rosokov with 36 currently thanks to 3 Crusades wins (note the opponents also each featured at least one AWOL)



Some players never get to 36. That's unbelievable. He moves in the shadows. Has an AWOL player ever lead. It would be funny if he got on the leader board as an AWOL. Finishes with about 73. Killing me.