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  • current issues

    1 - NEW PLAYERS - Players who created an account on or after May 16 2024 are not able to login to the forum
    2 - AWOL - We do not have an AWOL button under the ACTIVE tab yet. Please check each game to see if you are AWOL.


Feb 6 2021 - New Forum is Live


Make My Day...
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
The Wiki Bar
M.C. Youtubers
Jun 20, 2014

UPDATE - Feb 6 2021 - New Forum Live​

The new forum is now active, and like everyone else, I am still learning my way around it. So I will point out what I know is working and new, and what I know doesn't work yet.​



The Questions and Answers section is now a proper Q&A forum where you can upvote helpful answers and select posts as "solutions"




In the top right of the page, next to the SEARCH function, you will find "Alerts" and "Conversations"

Alerts will let you know if there has been any new activity on threads or messages you posted.
And Conversations are private messages you can send to other players.



On the FORUM tab is a dropdown arrow when you can access different features including your account and profile. A lot of those features are not active yet, but you can still explore them.
There is also a Log Out button, which will only sign you out of the forum, but not the game.​


There are still things that do not work yet. The most important are:

  • Any new members joining a CLAN must be added manually by me. This has not been automated yet. All current members of clans should still have access to their clan's forums, but new members need to send me a message so I can add them.
  • Avatar have not been upload yet.
  • Other things I can't think of yet


Please let me know :

  • Can you see and access threads and forums that you know you should NOT see?
  • Can you NOT access threads and forums that you think you should see?
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Well-known member
Awesome Player
Enemies of Diplomacy
M.C. Play Testers
Jul 25, 2011
Thanks for the update... looks great.

  • I can SEE the forum names of private clans I am not a member of
  • but I can only ACCESS the forums for private clans I am a member of, the others let me click into them but show no threads.


Make My Day...
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
The Wiki Bar
M.C. Youtubers
Jun 20, 2014
Thanks for the update... looks great.

  • I can SEE the forum names of private clans I am not a member of
  • but I can only ACCESS the forums for private clans I am a member of, the others let me click into them but show no threads.
View attachment 1951

Yeah, that's good. That's the way they are now. As long as you can not read the private ones, then it's working.



Well-known member
Awesome Player
Fixed Force Club
Enemies of Diplomacy
M.C. Play Testers
The Canadian Club
Young Guns
Jan 17, 2017
I appreciate all the work you guys are doing, and being micky - I can't help but giving my 2 cents:
1. Months ago there was a discussion whether the last comment in a thread should be at the top or at the bottom. The majority said keep it as is --> at the top. Now, with the new Forum - it's at the bottom.
2. I don't see the point in adding the Clans to the Forum. It makes the Forum page too long. If people want to go to the Clans tab - there's the Clans tab. I mean - the "Forum" tab loses it's meaning. - That's where people have things to say, ........ different subjects .... A Clan tab clearly states what it is.
3. I don't see the use of having the "Active Forum Statistics". Who cares how many threads and messages were sent, or how many members there are/were? There must be more important things like "Most points won today, most games won today" or something like that (if you absolutely have to have those little boxes on the side)?

I said what I had to say. Meaning - I liked the old Forum as it was. The Clans can stay in the Clan tab, the Forum was easy to overlook, etc. I hope I don't sound "harsh" .....
Thanks ...
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Make My Day...
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
The Wiki Bar
M.C. Youtubers
Jun 20, 2014
Thanks for the feedback!

1) Thanks, never noticed, but I'll look in to that.

2) You can always collapse any section you are not interested in by using the little arrow at the right side of the header.


3) "Most points won today, most games won today" is a great idea. It would take some custom work though. The forum came with predefined "boxes", so Forum Stats, Latest Posts, Newest Members, etc.... were all part of the default package.

Clans were always part of the forum. That never changed. The only difference was that in the old forum, only the clans you were a member of was visible to you. In the new forum, all the clans are visible, albeit, the ones you are not in are private. And I know it makes it forum longer, but clan are at the bottom, and if it's too long, you can always collapse that section.
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