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Display mini user avatars in-game (if they have one)


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Nov 29, 2010
Which are as follows:

1. Seeing forum avatars in-game: Would be a nice touch and might make more people get avatars and possibly go on the forums.

2. Placing initial starting positions manually: Like in the board game, in real-time mode (which I think is the only possible mode for this) you'd get a blank map and each player would - turnbased - place the 3 troop thing in each territory until they're all occupied.

3. Getting some points for logging in daily: Could get more players more active by throwing in 1 or more points for logging in each day. Throw in a medal and maybe some extra points for logging in daily for 50-100-200-500 days or so and I'd wager you get less inactives.



Well-known member
Awesome Player
Dec 4, 2010
1.) i like it. it seems like it'd make it more aesthetically pleasing although i'm not sure about the forum part.

2.) it seems like people would instantly go for the big regions with the biggest bonuses. i've seen other house rules where each player is given random territories but is allowed to allocate a certain number of troops to each territory before the game starts.

3.) i definitely agree with the medal part with some sort of medal for consecutive logins.


Awesome Player
Sep 23, 2010
1) there isn't enough room for that, imagine a 12 person game. Look at how small the rank icons are made to save space, imagine what your avatar would look like

2) I think this has been suggested before, or something similar, I'll look to see if it made it onto our long or short list of to-dos....

3) A medal would be cool, but our point structure is set up to avoid "point inflation". Mathematically, if you start adding points for random things that don't involve winning, the higher ranks will inflate with points, leaving the new and lower ranks further behind.

Thanks for getting involved Kjell!, one quick tip would be to make only one suggestion per thread. It helps keep things organised and there's more chance of a good debate getting started, and in turn, your suggestion being approved.


Boss General (Retired on a Desert Island)
Awesome Player
Gentlemen of Leisure
M.C. Play Testers
The Embassy
The Wiki Bar
Jul 25, 2009
1.It would definitely make the avatars small, but thats not so much of a bad thing. Mine would be,

2. We have an implementation like that in the works. But there is lots of balance and gameplay issues to sort out. It is does very badly on other sites and we want to avoid that.

3. Yeah i can see a medal for that. But not points, which should be kept synonymous with skill.


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Nov 29, 2010
1. Yeah they'd deffo have to be smaller, like Badorties' example.

2. Alright, would be cool =)

3. Yeah I guess points should be synonymous with skill, so perhaps just the medal?