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A Rant


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Aug 8, 2016
I am not going to call out anyone directly, because that just is not nice. However I don't understand some peoples thought process. I have like 5 games were this exact thing happened. I got off to a slow start in a multiplayer game. However I finely secure a command away from the big stacks. Then the other guy that is struggling as much as I am, decides rather then taking an easy tert and braking a command from one of the large stacks, breaks the little command I have putting us both further behind. Look I get it, it is a dog eat dog world when it comes to MC. But sometimes I wonder if some people are just playing to give the game away, or just don't care.

OK rant over.


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Jan 2, 2011
The thing is, lots of people just don't realize that attacking the weak player, while it's often easier, is NOT a winning strategy. All things being equal, I'll attack the strong player every time. Attacking the weak guy because you're afraid of the strong guy just means that the strong guy gets stronger and will win. I call this the 'second place' strategy, and I've been known to (sarcastically, because that's my nature) ask someone if they're going for the second place prize.
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Well-known member
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Aug 8, 2016
I will have to remember that. I went back to the game that lead me to this rant. and not only did he attack me to take away my command, he could have used those same troops on a tert with less troops on it, to get their own command. and being that we are the 2 lowest on the board, a simple diplo message would have kept us both stronger and working together a bit.


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Mar 7, 2012
I am not going to call out anyone directly, because that just is not nice. However I don't understand some peoples thought process. I have like 5 games were this exact thing happened. I got off to a slow start in a multiplayer game. However I finely secure a command away from the big stacks. Then the other guy that is struggling as much as I am, decides rather then taking an easy tert and braking a command from one of the large stacks, breaks the little command I have putting us both further behind. Look I get it, it is a dog eat dog world when it comes to MC. But sometimes I wonder if some people are just playing to give the game away, or just don't care.

OK rant over.

Well said and I like what Cards said about second place strategy.


Well-known member
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The 'B' Squad
Enemies of Diplomacy
Mar 5, 2018
I am not going to call out anyone directly, because that just is not nice. However I don't understand some peoples thought process. I have like 5 games were this exact thing happened. I got off to a slow start in a multiplayer game. However I finely secure a command away from the big stacks. Then the other guy that is struggling as much as I am, decides rather then taking an easy tert and braking a command from one of the large stacks, breaks the little command I have putting us both further behind. Look I get it, it is a dog eat dog world when it comes to MC. But sometimes I wonder if some people are just playing to give the game away, or just don't care.

OK rant over.

Ya I definitely fit that description for a while. While I believe I'm getting better and avoiding these types of mistakes, I would still benefit from coaching when I display rookie errors. Speaking for myself, I'd benefit from experienced folks, such as yourself, pointing out mistakes. I can't guarantee that everyone will process the feedback with maturity (just ask Roscokov how I responded when he pointed out that I was overextended in an EU singles game), but in the long term, I'd expect that your guidance will be appreciated and serve to improve the level of play generally.


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Mar 5, 2012
I've been both players. There's two versions of me that play. One is the type you (and I) like: careful, analytical, a sit back and ponder type of player. In teams, a good communicator and cheerleader. The other is rushed or lazy or maybe drunk. Or sneaking turns at work perhaps. I apologize to those I've let down when I suck.

As for demeanor, I've learned over the years not to get too worked up. It's easy (especially in real time!) to find oneself on an emotional rollercoaster and to get mad at other players for a million tiny reasons. It's too easy to get butthurt and snippy, light up a flame war, and sour your (and others') experience. I make a conscious effort to be nice, no matter what, and to make myself "get over it" instantly and move on.
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Well-known member
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Enemies of Diplomacy
Mar 5, 2018
Or sneaking turns at work perhaps.

Sneaking games is my bane! My worst moves have been made from work where I'm constantly concerned that I'm perceived to be slacking off. Nothing like looking over your shoulder to compromise focus.

Do you find that playing a large number of games has any impact on your performance?


Well-known member
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Dec 15, 2013
Yes, I found that playing too many games hurt my win ratio. Checking in between turns in team games helps a lot, but it’s not easy to keep up if you have 30 games. 6-8 games is about optimum for me.


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Dec 15, 2013
I don’t always attack the leader. That can cause stalemates. I won’t attack weak players if I’m weak. if I’m strong, I will tend to attack weaker players to get them out, or to bait someone else into killing them, and maybe only coming out slightly ahead with reserve cards. I’ve found that you need to create situations that get others to do what helps you.