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Tutorial on teams games; do's and don'ts


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Enemies of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2012
(draft version)

A lot of this seems too obvious to mention; but I've seen generals mess up coz they didn't adhere to these basics.

1 Mark your enemies on the map with enemy colors. If it's a sixers or crusade game and you don't have the time; mark all enemies the same enemy color and all of your teammates the same friendly color.

2 Reinforce others if you have a lot (and if you have too much, don't keep blitzing, but give your teamies more)
3 ask for reinfs if youre down

4 do not attack teammates, not ever (unless you can eliminate an enemy or must avoid the next opponent to get a huge bonus)

5 if there's one single opposing team, do not take a neutral territories

6 priority is to avoid opponents getting command bonusses, not getting your own command.

7 don't expect to get FFdice. If you have one objective like an elimination or invading the next dude's command, expect to lose 10 units so go all in and don't assume you can spare units for random non-objectives.

8 You don't aways need to get a card. If you ice, consider skipping taking a tert this turn. Especially in Flat rate. Or if opponents have also skipped a card; if you get to 5 cards before opponents do, you'll just get less units for your set anyway. Don't keep rolling 1 dice until you get a card, Hitman.

9 on a small map, just take 1 tert unless there are important onbjectives for you. if there arent, spare your units for the next turn of support a teamie.

11 if you hold 3 or 4 cards:
at the end of your turn, write "set" or "no set" so the team can plan for the next turn.

If you're an experienced teams general, don't expect random tournament teammates to accept your orders until they've proven to do so. So don't reinforce your kitchen patrol; he may lack the experience of your captains.

Don't start your turn before your teammates have had a chance to offer feedback

mistakes by teammates? water under the bridge. no flaming. it'll just sicken the mood and don't expect teammates to ever take your advice again. or they'll be terrified and stop thinking for themselves

Adress any advice you might have for the next up teammate using @(nickname) or chances are it'll be ignored. a lot of players don't read the whole chatter, assuming it's just spam that doesn't apply to their next turn. without the "@" you don't know how far back you should read the chatter anyway

(no I'm not perfect. I've made all of these mistakes myself probly. Also, disclaimer; the shorter the text, the more likely it is the text will be read a and executed. If I write, "perhaps, dear sir, you could, or if you would do otherwise, such and so might go wrong, also alternatives a,b and c wouldn't work because such and so" ppl seem to think, sri too long, I'll my own random thing if you're not certain anway) So I keep my text brief, with the humblest of intentions. Im not your boss. Feel free to respond and mail me to notify me of your feedback so I and teammates can consider it before your turn. I actually love when you've got better ideas.

don't write every random thought you have in chatter. I use a notebook to condense my thoughts by 75%.
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Well-known member
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Whiner & CryBaby
Fixed Force Club
Enemies of Diplomacy
Knights of MC Realm
The Borg
Oct 4, 2011
Nice. Agree with almost all, but there are several circumstances where point 3 doesn't hold. I have two in mind.


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Enemies of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2012
I have 3 exceptions to #3 in mind, but I'm not sharing advanced strategy here :D just basics that apply more often than not.


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Enemies of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2012
so now that everybody knows I'm offering strategic advice in team games I'm every opposing team's favorite target :p Not a great idea coz I mistakes as noone offers me advice^^


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Whiner & CryBaby
Fixed Force Club
Enemies of Diplomacy
Knights of MC Realm
The Borg
Oct 4, 2011
Never eat yellow snow


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Enemies of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2012
thanks guys :p

"Yellow snow isn‘t the only kind you shouldn't eat. Recent studies suggest that all snow can be harmful because it attracts particles from car exhaust fumes like a magnet. Basically, when you eat snow, you're consuming a pollution popsicle."
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Well-known member
Awesome Player
Enemies of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2012
10. Most of the times, a teammember is worth more alive than dead.
I'd only prioritize an elimination if the enemy target holds more cards and the elimination of the enemy is far more likely than the loss of the teammate. If my team is in the lead, I'll gladly postpone a non essential potential elimination by half a round to save a teammate

11 in a lot of team games, you only need to take 1 tert each turn. sometimes it can be bad for the team if you keep rolling and take 2/3/4 terts one turn then come up short next turn.
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