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Turkey Day insanity & MajCom


Well-known member
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
Old Soldiers Club
The Duellers Society
Oct 31, 2010
Ah, the smell of dinner wafts thru the house, football blaring from the TV in the living room, the wife doing her very best melt down over whether the neck and " gravy packet " were removed from the bird before stuffing, or even if they were IN the bird to start with.

Ya know I had to pull the turkey outta the oven, let it cool down a bit, then ask the wife ( who really needs a gin $ tonic...a BIG one ) " Do you REALLY want me to unstuff the bird to look for those missing items ? " ( I stuffed the bird so I know the "gravy packet : wasn't in there.) After she has had 5 minutes to engage that famous female " logic " gear the result is the damned bird is going back into the oven AS IS !

Now I wish that the players in my games on MajCom would take some turns so I can devote my attention to what is really important...WINNING...instead of dealing with domestic upheaval of a female persuasion...at least no inlaws this year !

Happy T-Day y'all...and belated of the same to our Canadian members !


Well-known member
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
Old Soldiers Club
The Duellers Society
Oct 31, 2010
Gave the wife a gin & tonic courtesy of the baster tool in her six...that did the job !