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team points calculation error


Active member
Awesome Player
Apr 4, 2012
I mentioned this in another thread, but I'm posting it here so it gets attention. The team points are not being calculated correctly. In the past, the losing team's average score was divided by the winning team's average score and multiplied by 30, and the winners were each awarded the resulting points from the losers. Now, the points that should be awarded to each winner are being divided by the number of teammates. For example, in a 3v3 game between players with equal scores, the winners should each be awarded 30 points. Now, the winners are given 10 points. If this were a 10v10 game, the winners would only be given 3 points. This results in team games having significantly lower stakes, but it shouldn't be too difficult to fix -- the code dividing the points by number of teammates simply needs to be deleted.
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Well-known member
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The 'B' Squad
Enemies of Diplomacy
Old Soldiers Club
Oct 26, 2012
Well, that explains why my winnings in team games has seemed rather paltry lately. If in fact it turns out that there has been an actual error in the calculations, it would be nice if the admin folks could retroactively correct the awarded points for the last several months.


Make My Day...
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
The Wiki Bar
M.C. Youtubers
Jun 20, 2014
Hi @waldegrave,

Yes, you are correct. Good catch. It's amazing we've had this system for almost two years an no one noticed anything until now!

We are going to look at a fix and if it can be applied retro. Otherwise it will be applied from our next update and affect game in the future. So stay tuned.


Well-known member
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Los Bambinos
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Mar 21, 2013
I mentioned this awhile ago. Really need password protection...