• Points are back! Read about it HERE

    current issues

    1 - NEW PLAYERS - Players who created an account on or after Oct 15 2023 are not able to log into the forum
    2 - AWOL - We do not have an AWOL button under the ACTIVE tab yet. Please check each game to see if you are AWOL.
    3 - STUCK GAMES - Some games will not load properly. If you encounter this, please post stuck games HERE


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Sportsmanship over Gamesmanship


Well-known member
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
Oct 9, 2012
I accidently missed a turn this week in a Land Rush game. I posted a note apologizing to everyone, and just letting them know it was accidental and not a proper AWOL. When it was my turn again, the chat was lit up, and I expected some teasing or criticism... but it was everyone saying they were skipping their turns too. I was blown away. I had a rough week, and MC is often an escape for me. Seeing that level of sportsmanship and humanity was unexpectedly moving, and I just wanted to share that. With rare exception, Major Command is a wonderful community of positive people that are here to have fun and exhibit the apex of sportsmanship in my opinion. You guys and gals are the best.