• Points are back! Read about it HERE

    current issues

    1 - NEW PLAYERS - Players who created an account on or after Oct 15 2023 are not able to log into the forum
    2 - AWOL - We do not have an AWOL button under the ACTIVE tab yet. Please check each game to see if you are AWOL.
    3 - STUCK GAMES - Some games will not load properly. If you encounter this, please post stuck games HERE


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Showing the server time in the UI to know when somebody played, posted messages and so on.


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Fixed Force Club
Enemies of Diplomacy
M.C. Play Testers
Jan 5, 2018
As our site has players around the world it would be good to understand the relation between our local time and the system time. I'm always wondering how long ago messages have been written or when moves were made. The time is always shown in detail, but one has no clue how it relates to the player's local time.
Just showing a small box might solve this?