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Questions about the system and computation of points in the Mercenary objective mode


Active member
Awesome Player
Jan 29, 2021
I do not understand very well how the system calculates the score at the end of a game in this mode, since I observe in a game that when eliminating two players it tells me that I obtain more than 100 points between the two at the end of the game, and When a player eliminates me, he tells him that he adds 15 points at the end of the game.
I notice that at the end of the game it tells me that I have lost 91 points, how is it possible? If I obtained more than 100 points by eliminating players and I only subtracted 15 points when eliminating myself, the calculations do not work out.
I know that the scoreboard is not active yet, but I have read and it was communicated here that it would begin to count the score count in the scoreboard as of 09/15/2023. I don't know how the system will do this score calculation in the Mercenary mode, observing that at the end of the games it indicates a calculation of erroneous additions and subtractions.
Another doubt I have is that the system is indicating the points obtained in the won games and the points subtracted in the lost ones based on the rank and score that each one had when this was frozen, and it is being awarded based on that score. frozen or start of registration, since your marker does not move based on the additions and subtractions of the completed games, that is, depending on what you are playing, your calculation in games with players of higher or lower rank would vary, but the scoring ofsystem, being frozen, does not change and always indicates what was awarded from that score. I don't know if you understand what I mean.
This is becoming more and more complicated, I think it is becoming more difficult and complex to decipher and account for all the past and current scores in the system.
My opinion is that they should prioritize and start the scoring and marker system as soon as possible, and then fix and update what is necessary so that everything works correctly, and continue with future improvements, advancing better each time day.

Thank you for the effort, dedication and work you do.
Sincerely Lionheart.


Active member
Awesome Player
Jan 29, 2021

This is what I was referring to,
I eliminated two players, communicating in the registration tab that I would be awarded a certain percentage of points at the end of the game, and at the end, the last remaining player who eliminated me is told that he will award 16 points at the end of the game to the eliminate me, they are the only ones who take away from me,
but at the end of the game it says in the final calculation of the record that I lose 34 points, having obtained many more points by eliminating other players.
I don't understand this erroneous calculation that you execute, since in this Mercenary mode, you get points for each player you eliminate, and they subtract from you depending on who eliminates you, since if they only add points to the only one left alive in the game, this modality does not make sense


Make My Day...
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
The Wiki Bar
M.C. Youtubers
Jun 20, 2014
Yes, you are correct. Something is dodgy. We're going to have look at that asap. Thanks.


Make My Day...
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
The Wiki Bar
M.C. Youtubers
Jun 20, 2014
If you see this again, let me know the game number. Thanks.