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No points games?


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Sep 30, 2019
Would it be possible/desirable as part of the new game engine set-up to have an opt-in/out option on the game set-up for points?

I know most people like to play for points most of the time. But it's noticeable since Flash went down and the points system crashed that you get less - how should I put it - bad-temperedness.

Don't get me wrong - I look forward to having the points system back. But it might be nice to continue to have the option of points-free games.

Having said that, I suppose maybe now isn't the time to be throwing extra complexity into the pot - but, you know, just a thought.


Well-known member
Awesome Player
The 'B' Squad
M.C. Clan Council
Apr 24, 2016
i used to play a lot of 1vs1 games, and there it largely seems a lottery whether you win or lose. i do like playing for points (i prefer winning them), but winning in a 1vs1 often feels more like a disaster averted than a well-earned price. i think i agree that there seems to be less bad-temperedness (though no shortage of dice complaints), but there also is an increase in players going awol as soon as they dont like how a game develops, so there is that. given that most people play here in order to pass the time, i find this baffling, and it annoys the completionist in me. there is of course a point when a game is clearly lost for someone. i think there was talk about a surrender button way back?
anyway, i would like to have the option to play w/o points i think - but personally i would only use it for 1vs1 games.


Well-known member
Awesome Player
Sep 30, 2019
1v1 games - I don't normally play very often for the reason you give. I think it was an improvement when the experimental 1/2 re-inforcements for the first turn was an option - it made it more even.