• Points are back! Read about it HERE

    current issues

    1 - NEW PLAYERS - Players who created an account on or after Oct 15 2023 are not able to log into the forum
    2 - AWOL - We do not have an AWOL button under the ACTIVE tab yet. Please check each game to see if you are AWOL.
    3 - STUCK GAMES - Some games will not load properly. If you encounter this, please post stuck games HERE


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Need Passwords in BETA


Awesome Player
Risky Business
Nov 30, 2015
My group of friends and I are trying to have an internal tournament and without passwords this is becoming an incredibly hard task to achieve with everyone having different work schedules. What often happens is that all but 1 or 2 spots will fill up quickly and the last couple friends lose their spots to random players who see an almost filled game.