• Points are back! Read about it HERE

    current issues

    1 - NEW PLAYERS - Players who created an account on or after Oct 15 2023 are not able to log into the forum
    2 - AWOL - We do not have an AWOL button under the ACTIVE tab yet. Please check each game to see if you are AWOL.
    3 - STUCK GAMES - Some games will not load properly. If you encounter this, please post stuck games HERE


  • Welcome to Major Command's RISK Game forum.

    If you are a registered player, please log in:

    LOG IN

    If you are new to Major Command and would like to
    play our RISK game online. Then please sign up here:


Hearty hail, well met to all new personnel !


Well-known member
Awesome Player
M.C. Play Testers
Old Soldiers Club
The Duellers Society
Oct 31, 2010
If you need assistance in learning about MajCom besides the wiki there are a LOT of seasoned members here that have no hesitation in helping you out in your learning curve.

One of the best ways to get some knowledge is to research the clans that are on MajCom. Usually the members of a clan have had plenty of battle experience, know the do's & don't of strategy, and are a wealth of info. You are encouraged to seek that safe haven of a clan to better your gaming skills here.

There's no requirement to do so, but there's strength in numbers.

Once again, welcome to the awesomeness of Major Command !