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Dice knowledge is power


Awesome Player
The 'B' Squad
Knights of MC Realm
M.C. Play Testers
The Embassy
Mar 21, 2016
I found this in the wiki but wanted to get in on here since I'm sure most of u dont spend 8 hrs a day on this site like I seem to be doing. Anyway, this is a guide to when to attack or not. Distilled down into its simplest form its like this: (all data is based on having approx a 75% chance of winning the attack). If attacker (A) has 3 or more troops vs '1' then attack defender (D). If A has 5 or more vs '2' than attack D. If 6 or more vs '3' than attack. 7 or more troops vs '4' then, yes, attack. If A has 8 or more troops vs '5' then hell yes attack. 9 or more vs '6' then do it. 10 or more vs '7' well u know. The key here is when u are attacking then u have to reconsider these numbers again as troop levels will then be different. If anybody sees any mistakes Ive made with these numbers, PLease point them out to me. Tks


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Speaking of dice rolls, a couple of days ago I had probably the best roll I've ever had on this site. It was an escalate game and things had built up a bit. I had nowhere else to go to get a territory, so had to take on one of the territories with quite a few troops. I had 116 to the defender's 50, and when the blitz finished I still had 100 troops left.

Didn't win the game though :)
nice so the story (majcom wiki) goes that now u will lose 100 against 16 LOL (somebody might wanna check my math).
