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Begin turn button not working


New member
Awesome Player
Mar 30, 2020
Same issue for player chrislivuk @ 14:54 on 7th May 2021 here: https://www.majorcommand.com/beta/9375

Player pressed "begin turn"(at 14:54) but screen didn't update - player switched to a different computer, logged out and in again, but the "begin turn" button was still unresponsive.

Other players observed from their screens that Chrislivuk had yet to begin his turn, with the clock counting down the 24 hours he had in which to start. However, the game moved onto the next player 1 hour later (at 15:54).

It appears that whilst Chrislivuk had started his turn, the game erroneously told him and his fellow players that he had yet to start, and would not allow him to play his turn.

It's messed the game up, and I wondered if there were any ideas as to why it happened, or how to prevent it in future?
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